It’s Day 5 of my May-Hem challenge, and I’m flagging because I’m ill. As a result, I’m going to write about looking after myself – my body and my mind.
“The challenge is not to be perfect — it is to be whole.” Jane Fonda
At first, I felt unlucky as I reflected on how much illness I’ve suffered over the past few months. From headaches to stomach aches, trapped nerves to fatigue, I feel as though I’m touring round all sorts of different illnesses, stopping at each to experience the lows.
However, now I’m remembering a promise I made to myself while lying in my hospital bed. I thought about everything that was happening to me in that moment, none of it self-inflicted, and wished that I had taken better care of myself. Next year, I will turn 40. For someone who didn’t even look like she would make 30, it’s a big deal.
Lockdown took its toll on both my physical and mental wellbeing. Despite making efforts to change that, I still find myself in this uncomfortable position: slightly overweight, less active than I’d like to be, and generally a little low in mood.
Now, I have broken the promise I made all those years ago, but it’s not too late to make changes. I don’t proclaim to have all the answers or even be good the entire time. I’d be lying to myself if I made that assurance. However, I would like to be a better role model for my girls and show myself a decent helping of self-love.
What is my plan?
Well, I have a few goals that I’d like to reach before I get to 40. I might even create a vision board to go alongside them. I’ll be reviewing them regularly, and I hope to achieve most, if not all, of them.
- I haven’t done this since I was in my early 30s, but I would really like to run a sub-30 minute 5k. I haven’t run for a couple of months now due to a variety of reasons, and I am currently injured, but I will get there…
- I would like to have a BMI of around 23. I know I feel better in my clothes and generally when I’m that weight. It’s achievable, but I will need to remind myself that a balanced diet is a must not a choice.
- I really need to get back to Zumba at least once a week. While having it online has been a blessing for so many, I can’t make the 6pm classes and the pre-recorded ones are fab, but I miss the interaction with others so much. Live classes have returned outdoors for now and I’ve managed to attend a few. However, with Boris hopefully making the announcement that indoor classes can resume soon, I would love to get back properly. Unfortunately, my local class won’t be on for a little while – fingers crossed it’s not too long to wait!
- Rockfit is perhaps similar to Zumba. However, I’ve never done that in a live class, so online is the only format I’ve seen Rockfit in. I miss doing it, but when money got tight because I wasn’t entitled to anything from the government (despite losing a significant proportion of my income), I gave it up.
- Finally, I’m going to aim to have one day off a week. I haven’t taken a proper day off in so long and it does have an impact on my mental health, as well as not allowing me to spend as much quality time with my daughters and partner as I’d like.
I have just under ten months to reach these goals… wish me luck!