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Babies and toddlers

Baby Led Weaning: Yay Or Nay?

Baby led weaning, purees or a mixture of the two? It is natural to be a little confused when your baby reaches 6 months and you are advised to start introducing solid foods. The subject of baby led weaning…


Child Safety on Holiday: Relieving Your Anxieties

Child safety on holiday is often at the forefront of people’s minds when investigating possible locations. Anxiety is also something most parents have. You fall pregnant = anxiety You have the baby = anxiety Your baby starts to teethe…


The Effective Running Of Schools in The UK

For the effective running of schools, educators need to put effort into ensuring administration duties are taken care of to remove any hiccups and disruptions to the education process. The reality is with schools being put under more and…

Education Parenting

Keep Your Children On Track During The Summer Holiday

Keeping your children on track educationally during the summer holiday can be challenging. However, it can provide incredible opportunities for intellectual stimulation while remaining relaxed. Here are some strategies and advice on keeping young minds active throughout this summer…