Looking for activities to do with children on a rainy day while you’re stuck at home? You’re probably from the U.K., too!
It’s edging ever closer to the summer holiday right now and the chances are the weather will be blisteringly hot and dry for the next few weeks then the rain will hit as soon as school’s out. Well, the sun is a nice addition to the school holidays, but the rain actually gives you a great excuse to spend more quality time with your children. Here are 50 activities you could do with most children if it’s rainy (and even when it’s not!) – mostly creative and rarely a device in sight!
1. Build a blanket den
2. Make (and play!) a board game
3. Paint a picture
4. Play card games
5. Bake cookies or cupcakes
6. Have a dance party
7. Make a puzzle
8. Write a story (cartoon strips are great, too!)
9. Start (and complete!) a craft project
10. Create a scavenger hunt
11. Play dressing-up
12. Do a science experiment
13. Play hide and seek
14. Play video games together
15. Practise origami
16. Do some yoga
17. Make homemade ice cream
18. Have a movie marathon (with popcorn!)
19. Make homemade slime
20. Play charades
21. Read a book together
22. Have a tea party
23. Play with Lego or building bricks
24. Learn a new language together – BSL is a great option
25. Play a musical instrument or sing karaoke
26. Do a photo shoot
27. Play with play-doh or salt dough
28. Make paper airplanes
29. Have a pillow fight
30. Play noughts and crosses or hangman
31. Play with a train set
32. Have a colouring competition
33. Build a tower of cards
34. Do a jigsaw puzzle
35. Play with a Rubik’s cube
36. Make sock puppets and do a puppet show
37. Have relay races
38. Make bubble solution and blow bubbles
39. Do a crossword or Sudoku puzzle
40. Have a fashion show
41. Play with Silly Putty
42. Make a domino run
43. Make a picture frame
44. Build with marshmallows and cocktail sticks
45. Grab an umbrella and play in the rain (if it’s safe)
46. Make a bird feeder
47. Do an indoor treasure hunt
48. Play a game of catch
49. Play with magnetic letters and make words
50. Do some Mad Libs