Life Parenting

Working From Home With Young Children: Making It A Success

Working from home with young children can be stressful, especially when there are no other adults around. Can there be a work/life balance when your work takes place at home?

We all know that being busy is expected when you’re a parent and/or carer, but working from home multiplies that aspect several times over. Here are some top tips on how to help make working from home with young children a success for you.

Get up earlier

Aim to wake up and be ready for the day ahead at least an hour before your children. This will allow you time to write your daily to-do list, and prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the challenges ahead. Remember that this is your own time and you can use it in the best way for you and your needs. Meditating for around 10 minutes can make a huge difference to your outlook. Envisioning a positive day with lots of successes can be helpful, too.

Attend to your children

Give your children your full attention when they first get up, providing them with all the love, hugs and kisses they desire. Spend a little time preparing them a healthy breakfast and sit together while both they and you eat. Enjoy cuddles and some giggles as this is precious time and will help all of you to start the day in a positive way. Being present for your young children first thing in the morning can have a profound impact on the way in which the rest of the day will go.

Build a routine

Setting up a routine for both you and your kids can be helpful. Sticking to the same or similar routine each day can be incredibly useful, but you don’t need to do everything to the exact second. Every morning, try to set up a selection of busy boxes or areas in which your children can occupy themselves for periods of time. Think about colouring, drawing, playdough, an indoor sandbox or some sensory toys. Keep the noisy musical toys for when you are taking a well earned break.

Hire some help

If your finances allow it, find a paid helper, such as a nanny, to spend a few hours a day with your children. Even just an hour or two can really make a difference when you are working from home.

Set goals for your day

Rather than setting aside a specific block of time for your working day, instead set yourself goals, such as “I will work for six hours today.” Be sure to work while the children sleep (if they still do!) and try to sneak a few minutes here and there while they are engaged in play activities, too.


Although it is tempting to abandon work for the day if and when your young children do not cooperate, try to avoid doing that as your workload will build up and you will then need to work even harder to catch up. Try instead to be creative. Take the children to the local park and allow them to burn off some energy. Put them in the double buggy and take them for a walk. Hopefully, once you return home, they will nap or require some quieter time, allowing you to crack on with your workload. No one ever said that working from home with young children was easy, but it is manageable.

Give your children responsibilities

Create small assistants from your children and allow them to help with small tasks, such as stapling, paper clipping or even shredding. Of course, you’ll need to keep a close eye on them, but it can be fun for them and make them feel involved. You may even give them a little pay packet to spend at the local shop, thanking them for their help.

Don’t attempt everything

Save some of your work tasks for after hours, when your children are in bed, such as filing and paperwork. This approach can help you to catch up and allow you to head to bed feeling ready to tackle the coming day with enthusiasm and hope.

Be present

Try to stay in the moment rather than pushing your children away. While it can be frustrating to hear your name being called every five seconds, neglecting your children’s needs will not do anyone any favours. Try to remember your reasons for working from home with young children. If they ask for a hug, give them one. If they need a drink, make them one. Remember that many others would love to be in your position – so show love and gratitude for these moments, however annoying they may feel at the time. Try to be present as often as you possibly can.

Be proud

Take joy and pride in your working from home journey! Being stressed out about your working life will not do anyone any good. Remember to do your absolute best at the same time as being a great parent. Working from home with young children is far from easy but is worthwhile.

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