Preparing for going back to school for children with SEND is always a greater challenge than for most, for both the parents and their offspring. While there may be various backpacks and lunchboxes to select from among the countless…
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“If I could snap my fingers and be non-autistic, I would not. Autism is part of what I am.”Dr Temple Grandin What does the term ‘autistic’ mean to you? For some, they will immediately think back to the 1988 film Rain…
Over the years, us teachers have heard many hilarious stories about what we apparently get up to during the school day and indeed throughout our countless school holidays. Today, I thought it would be useful to set the record…
Articles Lifelong Learning SEND
The Different Types of Dyslexia – How Many Are There and What Do They Mean?
By Jorge Chavez If you get confused when reading about dyslexia, don’t feel alone! It is a bit confusing! People seem to be using the term “dyslexia ” to mean different things. Also, when you start to research information about dyslexia you…