Articles Education Parenting

How To Assist Your Child with Online Learning

Assist Your Child

There are multiple reasons you may resolve online learning as the best source of education for your children.

For example, it might be because of your geographical location, or the chosen learning method is more accessible to afford than others.

Either way, the ultimate goal is to bring up your child correctly. It is every parent’s dream to have a clever and holistic child. Therefore, if you are a parent who has a child who has recently started online school, keep reading to learn how you can help.

Finance Is Key

Even though your child is studying at home, you still need to pay the regular school fees at the beginning of the year or term. Failure to clear out your arrears can affect your child’s class attendance negatively.

Your child may miss out on important lessons, and teachers may mark them absent. Remember, it is unlikely that a teacher will repeat a topic for the sake of one child. Doing this will be considered a waste of time. Therefore, to avoid these inconveniences, make sure you pay your child’s fees on time.

Help Them Sign Up for Class

Since it might be the first time your child is attending a virtual class, please help them to navigate through the device they are using to learn. It would be best if they used a laptop because it is portable and has many tools that make it easy to navigate through the lessons.

Most classes will take place using video calling applications, such as Zoom, Google Classroom or Teams. Teach your child how to use the application, send links, and use the microphone and camera. Being able to mute and unmute are the most important skills to have, even for many adults! Always remind your child when they must have their camera and microphone switched on. 

For example, if they leave to use the bathroom, they should leave everything off, otherwise the teacher could mistake this as absenteeism. On the other hand, if they don’t need to have their cameras and microphones on, confirm they are still participating in the class.

Store Their Work Properly

Like regular school, your child will have to complete several assignments. These assignments may pile up and be cluttered all over the desktop. To avoid that, install document management software for proper organisation of their work.

Always ensure they have titled their work correctly to avoid confusion during submission. It would be best if your child named their documents according to the class and the subject teacher’s name.

Observe Them During Tests

Tests are likely to be more to ensure that the learning method is as effective as physical learning. Therefore, ensure your child understands the topic after its completion. Then, you can offer to check their assignments and correct them.

When they are doing online tests, make sure they are quiet to achieve maximum concentration. Put away all the unnecessary books to avoid cheating. When you give them a chance to peep their books, they develop a cheating culture that will negatively affect them in the future.

You can also take up the role of being their teacher to invigilate them as they work. Try and avoid distracting them by talking or using your phone. If there are any problems with the test, you can contact the teacher for them.

Cultivate a Reading Culture

Your children may have recently ended an enjoyable holiday, and they need to be in the mood for school. Since the environment is still the same, this may not be easy. But you can try simple ways to turn your home into a severe learning venue.

For example, you can also join your children when they are reading. When your child sees you reading, they will also be intrigued to mirror your actions. After some time, your child will pick up the same behaviour and start to concentrate and study.

Minimise Distractions

When your child is studying, you should switch off any electronics around them. Also, store their toys in a different place far from their reach. Children tend to get bored and distracted easily.

Moreover, you can try working from a different spot. For example, if you frequently receive phone calls, you can either put your phone on silent mode or work from a separate room. But remember to always keep an eye on your child.

Prepare Their Food on Time

Children will likely be hungry after spending hours in front of the screen. They may also be tired and worn out. You should therefore prepare their snacks and food on time. Serve them as soon as they leave class and not in the middle of a lesson; this will distract them.

You can prepare plenty of food at the beginning of the day and warm it during their breaks instead of cooking a whole meal. Also, you can hire someone to help you with the cooking too.

Ensure They Take Regular Breaks

When your child is on a break, ensure they do meaningful activities to refresh their bodies. For example, instead of leaving them to watch television, you can encourage them to go outside and play. They can also run around to keep fit.

Moving around will help pump blood to their brains, leading to proper functioning and concentration for a long time. You can also take breaks with them, play with them to refresh yourself too.

Encourage Them to Work Hard

As a parent, you want your child to perform well at school. It would help if you, therefore, kept encouraging them at this time. Ensure they understand that despite the change in the environment, they should still put their best foot forward to achieve excellent performance.

You can also contact their teachers and follow up on their performance. Voice your concerns and ask the teachers to direct you on the proper way of handling their performance.

Bottom Line

Even though your child may not get used to online learning as fast as possible, you should keep encouraging them to adapt to it. You can start by preparing them early before the school semester begins.

You can use the above tips to ensure your child gets to experience the best in online learning. Remember, it is still an excellent method of acquiring education, just a very different environment.

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